
Returning to yoga after a break

Whether you're returning from holiday or have simply taken a break from your regular yoga practice, getting back on the mat takes time and sometimes we just need a little advice from a friend, fellow yogi or teacher!

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At first, the whole idea of getting back into something that used to be so easy may seem daunting, impossible even. We step out of our routines for many reasons, but once it becomes a routine again you'll start to see the amazing benefits.

Here's some words of inspiration from some of your Equal teachers you may know, or will know soon!

Sabrina Vernooy: Equal Yoga Amsterdam

She believes that yoga is a way where everybody -  in any way, shape or form - can get the best out of themselves. In her classes she tries to emphasise on making your practice more personal by getting to know your body.

'Returning to your mat is simple: roll out your mat and get going! I have never regretted stepping on my mat. Getting back in to good habits works best if you don't over think any resistance your mind might have'

equal yoga

Renee Leeuw: Equal Yoga Amsterdam

The great thing about yoga is that the more you step on your mat, the more you take your practice with you into your daily life off the mat. As soon as Renée started to realise that, she wanted to dive deeper into this world of yoga and discover what's behind the poses.

'I’ve never had any issues with returning to my mat or picking up my yoga practice, but with other sports I have experienced a lack of motivation to start again and the only advice I can give from experience is “just start!” '

'Showing up is the most difficult part after a break and the most important thing is just to do it. So simple, but challenging too of course. And for the practice itself: don’t compare your achievements on the mat now to how it was the last time you stepped on your mat. Just remember that putting in the effort is the most important thing and consistent practice will help you feel better in your body and mind'

So, we know there is no such thing as perfection and the most important thing is to be kind to yourself, start slow.

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So why not go ahead and start now! Try a free online class with Sabrina or Renee then book your class at the studio. Enjoy!