Return to Routine 🧘🏽

Join us this September!

equal yoga
Return to Routine this September! 🧘🏽

Get your routine on!

equal yoga

Return to Routine this September! 🧘🏽

As the holiday season comes to an end, September gently nudges us to get into your regular routine again. Whether this is your school, work, or just any routine in general, your yoga practice can certainly not be excluded! 

September embodies fresh beginnings and renewed commitments. At Equal Yoga, we think it’s important to reconnect with your own well-being. So, we’re here to guide you back to your mat and back to yourself! 

Let September be the month where you get your groove, or should we say, routine back on! Together with your trusty mat as your companion, our lovely teachers can guide you through any class. 

equal yoga

Claim your Return to Routine offer 🌟

To sweeten your journey of reconnection, we have an exclusive offer that brings yoga even closer to you!


💵 : Amsterdam (€60) | Utrecht (€45) 

📍 : Amsterdam, or Utrecht? You decide!

📅 : Available from September 1 to October 31st (valid for two months after first booked class).

equal yoga

So, how to get back into your routine you might ask?

Joining us this September is as easy as finding your favourite pose! Simply book your favourite classes this September and re-start that routine! Not an active member yet? No worries, you can pre-purchase the special 5-class card at one of our Front Desks or on our website. 

Not sure which class you want to start off with? We’ve got you covered!